Jason Lanier's Real Wedding Workshop- Yosemite, California (August, 2019)

It was August 2019 and Jason and I were on the tail-end stretch of the West Coast Road Tour, where we drove from Seattle to San Francisco and Jason gave presentations in camera stores and private venues.   

Through various Skype call interviews on the tour, Jason and I learned that Anthony and Maida are a fun-loving, outdoorsy, couple who enjoys hiking, camping, and having a good time!  Anthony is a fan and friend who has attended several Jason Lanier Workshops.  Interesting enough, I met Anthony on my very first trip working with Jason in June of 2018.  We went to San Francisco.  It was a memorable trip and I’m so pleased that it all came back around.  It was a pleasure for Jason and I to join our friends, Anthony and Maida on this day.  So let’s get to telling you what it was all about!!

As we approached Yosemite, the sun started to set.  Golden hour shined down on the sage filled desert.  Warm hues of orange and pink radiated off of the warm mountainous walls that surrounded us.  We zig-zagged down the mountainside and there it was, two abandoned cabins shining in the golden hour sun.  We had to zig-zag down the mountain in order to get closer.  Evidently Jason found an entry.  An old dirt road from the distance seemed to welcome us right in!  The road was like magic- it led us to this beautiful structure, that left us with amazement and curiosity.  Who had lived there?  What was it used for?  Why is it empty now?  One thing we were certain was that it was abandoned, beautiful, and the perfect first workshop location for Anthony and Maida’s first-look.  Which was not planned.  With a little bit of persuasion, Anthony and Maida decided to do their first look the day before which provided ample opportunity for couple shots and relieved the pressures of needing to get it right on the day of the wedding.  Although initially apprehensive to do the first look the day before the wedding; Anthony and Maida reported being happy they did it as it did relieve pressure on the day of the wedding.

The night before the Couple’s shoot Jason and his team hosted a team dinner where the group got to know each other.  People came from all over the nation, coast to coast to photograph this wedding.  It was a full house.  People shared their photography goals, challenges, and we discussed why we were here and how we could help get the most out of the experience. We dined, laughed, and talked photography for a few hours. 

The Couple’s shoot at the Cabin-  Jason and the group met the bride and groom at the Cabin in the morning.  It was hot.  We were in for a treat.  The Cabin provided some shade to help keep us cooler and leave lots of room for teaching.  Step one was a clean sweep.  Being an abandoned cabin, it had laid empty for a while.  So we took some time to pick up the junk and set up the scene.  You should always take time to look at your surroundings and clean up your scene.  It will save you a lot of time later while editing which means more time making money!  

You would have thought we were on an episode of HGTV.  As a group, we “FLIPPED THAT HOUSE!”  or whatever they say.  A volunteer, previous workshop attendee, and friend Jose, really went above and beyond with helping us in the cabin.  He played a huge role in making that place look awesome and we thank him a ton for that!  In the apartment, we removed a sheet of wallpaper and transfer it to a different wall!  This was how we started to build our set. Jose found old nails and nailed it back in place on the other side. It was just gorgeous.  To preserve Maida’s wedding dress we really made sure the floor was clear of debris to avoid any stains, tears, or snags.  Jose used some nearby sage bush to help clear the floor.  His resourcefulness really enabled us to create without restraints.  And that’s very important.  We may overlook the mundane cleaning part of a shoot but it is certainly a necessary one that completely guides how the rest of the shoot will turn out. 

It was time for groom shots so we started out in the cabin where Anthony channeled his inner Calvin Klein and gave Jason and the group a terrific natural light shoot.  This room was masculine, rustic.  It was perfect for a groom getting ready. After Anthony’s shots it was Maida’s turn. We chose the room we cleaned up and re-wallpapered! Maida looked just gorgeous. Her smile lights up a room.  Jason utilized a large piece of wood to set up the scene.  On the wood, he placed her shoes, veil, bouquet and very carefully arranged a beautiful table of Maida’s belongings. Jason taught, photographed, and then the group had a chance to get some shots as well.

Finally! It was time for the first look. Outside the Cabin we set up the scene. Anthony has not yet seen Maida in her dress. Take a look at the images below to see his expression looking at his wife-to-be in her wedding gown for the very first time!

After the groom shots, bridal shots, and first look at the cabin, we took off down the street and made one last stop at the Mono Basin Lake.  This place was awesome.  Jason and I chose it because of these beautiful rock formations all throughout the water.  The rock formations reminded us of dinosaurs.  Jason put the bride and groom up on a rock to gain a better vantage point and fired away with the Godox AD600.  It was so hot; Maida and Anthony were such troopers.  They stuck it out for as long as time allowed before the rehearsal dinner. 

As you leave the lake there is this gorgeous wooden bridge/ trail.  The boards created beautiful lines and the mountains made for an amazing backdrop.  Those are some of my favorite shots.  They are very dreamy and remind me of a fairytale.  We were so thrilled that Anthony and Maida decided to do the first look the day before.  At no extra cost, they were certainly able to maximize their time with Jason, preserve the wedding day a little bit longer, and help the attendees get even more incredible portfolio-wedding shots.  

It was the day of the wedding! We met the group bright an early at Anthony’s cabin at the Double Eagle Resort. Jason again started with groom getting ready shots. He captured details such as his shoes and photographed the groomsmen inside their cabin. Since Anthony likes fishing and the Double Eagle has a pond on-site, we had prepared for Anthony and his groomsmen to go fishing during the shoot. Off to the pond we went and and before we know it Anthony was all tied up! Jason had Anthony wrap the fishing line around him. We took playful shots of Anthony stuck, his groomsmen helping him, and also his friends joking with him. The shots are adorable; take a look below.

Maida and bridesmaids were next. Jason took time to photograph her jewelry, and detail items in the bridal room. The bridal room fun really began as Maida’s bridesmaids began to throw rose pedals on her dress and bounce them up and down. At first they were pampering her and then it turned into playful fun! Jason shot the Sony A7Riii at 10 frames per second and use the Rotolight Aeos with zero recycle time to capture every shot in the thread. It was a creative idea that Jason executed well!

The ceremony was filled with joy, love, and happiness that reflects and injects energy into all of us. That’s the beauty of weddings, preserving a love so fresh and reminding the loved ones how it all came together. Most people think weddings are hard; it’s moments like these that make it all worth it. The ceremony and reception gallery is below. Don’t forget to use artificial light during the reception folks; it will certainly make you stand above the rest. Congratulations Anthony and Maida!

Below are three ring shots that Jason took using the Sony A7Riii, Sony 90mm Macro Lens, Rotolight Neo 2 modified with the Rotolight Illuminator.

Lastly, during the reception Jason was given access to photograph Anthony and Maida in the gorgeous spa bathtubs. At first they were willing to get wet; however, since the reception wasn’t over they decided to stay dry. As a result Jason taught his workshop group how to make a composite image given a circumstance like this. Jason does not make composites often but since they are frequently used and widely practiced, Jason decided to show the group to make an epic composite with a bride and groom on their wedding day! This was taken with the Sony A7Riii and Rotolight Aeos modified with the Rotolight Illuminator.

Below is a gallery of behind-the-scenes (BTS) shots from Jason’s Real Wedding Workshop in Yosemite, California. A giant thank you to both Anthony and Maida for letting us document and preserve your special day. It was such a success. Thanks to all the workshop attendees that joined us. We are grateful for all of you and couldn’t do it with out you guys. And a huge thanks to the volunteers Kevin, Jose, and Tori. We really appreciate all of the help you have provided; it is always such a pleasure having you on board with us.

Thanks again for taking the time to join us for the blog. Please let us know your feedback. We would love to see you at a workshop.

Jason & Em!

Jason Lanier Master Catalog-Yosemite Wedding BTS-0024.jpg

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