Join me in San Diego for a shoot where I give you 5 steps to take and make great portrait photography. This simple method will help you get great shots!

Video Summary: Jason used the Sony A7Riii with the Sony Zeiss 50mm lens to create gorgeous and simple portraits at night. Jason lit the shoot with the Rotolight Aeos and modified it with the illuminator. How can you do this at home? Grab your camera. Find a safe spot with lots of tail lights and headlights but after the sun set. Set up your LED light using the umbrella bracket and Rotolight Illuminator. Light for your subject, expose for your background and fire away!

Images from the shoot:

To get exclusive offers on any of the lights shown in this video please visit

Gear used in this video:

**Sony A7Riii-

**Sony Zeiss 50mm-

**Manfrotto Air Cushioned Compact Stand-

Taking pictures can be a daunting task if you want to include lights, background and proper portraiture lighting. This video is aimed to help all photographers follow 5 easy steps to take great imagery.

This video also contains a step by step tutorial on how to set up the Rotolight Illuminator, the modifier used in this video with the Rotolight Aeos continuous light.

We thank you in advance for watching and invite you to stick around and a few more videos while you're here. Don't forget to click on the SUBSCRIBE and the NOTIFICATIONS icons so you're part of our team here at Jason Lanier Photography. Thanks! Jason Lanier Photography

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